Coronalättnader fick marknaden att jubla - Stark utveckling för Lannebos fonder i maj

Efter den kraftiga återhämtningen i april fortsatte världens börser upp även i maj. Det satte spår även för Lannebos sparare som fick se flera fonder stiga kraftigt under månaden.

Vi förvaltar andra människors pengar och det ska vi alltid göra på ett ansvarsfullt sätt. Våra kunder ska känna sig trygga med att investera i våra fonder. I en framtid som står inför stora utmaningar är vi övertygade om att aktiv förvaltning är en förutsättning för att på ett reellt sätt integrera hållbarhet i investeringsprocessen. Det ger oss möjlighet att investera i de företag vi anser har störst möjlighet till ett långsiktigt, hållbart värdeskapande. Det ger oss även möjlighet att påverka och föra en dialog med företagen vi investerar i, något som varit kärnan i Lannebos investeringsfilosofi sedan vi grundades år 2000.

Risk information

Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. The money you invest in a fund can both increase and decrease in value and it is not certain that you will get back the full amount invested.

11 viktiga frågor om hållbarhet

Maria Nordqvist – hållbarhetsansvarig på Lannebo – om samhällsansvar, branschens utmaningar och hur Lannebo arbetar i vardagen för att påverka bolagen i rätt riktning.

“Med våra portföljbolag har förvaltarna och jag en kontinuerlig dialog kring förbättrings-åtgärder.”

Lannebos erbjudanden

Vill du göra en engångsinsättning eller lägga upp ett regelbundet sparande i våra fonder?

Att månadsspara anses ofta vara ett av de mest effektiva sätten att komma igång med och bibehålla ett sparande över tid.

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.

Barack Obama

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JJ 16.9

Öhman new main owner in Lannebo Fonder

When Öhman becomes the new main owner of Lannebo Fonder, the result will be the Nordic region's largest independent fund manager and an even more powerful offering to customers. "The companies are a perfect fit for each other," says Johan Malm, CEO of Öhman, and Johan Lannebo, founder of Lannebo Fonder.

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Strong start for Lannebo Europe Green Transition

September was another negative month for the stock market. But Lannebo Europe Green Transition has nevertheless got off to a good start. "Falling prices always mean opportunities," say the managers.

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Green Transition (2)

Lannebo launches fund focusing on Europe’s green transition

September sees the launch of the Lannebo Europe Green Transition Article 9. An UCITS equity fund that will invest in small and mid caps that contribute to Europe's green transition.

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New director of institutional sales in Denmark: Philip Garde

Philip Garde is leading the efforts to reach out to institutional investors in the Danish market.

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Lannebo Recruits new head of sustainability from Nordea

Lannebo recruits Katarina Hammar as new Head of Sustainability and Corporate Governance. She joins from Nordea Asset Management, where she was Head of Active Ownership.

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Lannebo Sustainable Nordic Equities fund awarded by Lipper

Lannebo Norden Hållbar was awarded as the best Nordic Equities strategy by Refinitiv Lipper. "We've had the courage to go our own way", fund manager Charlotta Faxén says.

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Small caps for the long term

Investments in small caps has been at the heart of Lannebo's management since the company was founded two decades ago. Today the successful strategy is headed by Per Trygg. A fund manager who has his own view on how to find the best companies

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Lannebo Räntefond Kort awarded “Best swedish fixed income fund”

Focus on risk and stability makes Lannebo Räntefond Kort the best swedish bond fund in 2021, according to Fondmarknaden.

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Citywire: “Nordic apetite for bite-sized businesses”

Per Trygg manager of the small cap equity fund Lannebo Småbolag interviewed in Citywire.

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Lannebo recruits Jessica Malmfors as the new CEO

Lannebos board of directors appoints Jessica Malmfors as new CEO. Jessica Malmfors most recently served as CEO of Nordea Investment Management.

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Lannebo recruits fund manager Per Trygg

Lannebo have hired fund manager Per Trygg to be part of the small cap portfolio management team. Per Trygg most recently comes from the role as head of equities at SEB Investment Management.

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Maria Nordqvist

A+ PRI rating for Lannebo

For the third consecutive year Lannebo is granted the highest possible score from UN PRI for our responsible investment processes and activities.

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Update: Lannebo Likviditetsfond and Lannebo Mixfond re-opening

The funds Lannebo Likviditetsfond och Lannebo Mixfond will be reopened for trading after temporarily being closed on Friday the 20th of March.

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Kontor detaljer

Postponement information

On March 20, Lannebo has decided to postpone trading of fund shares in the funds Lannebo Likviditetsfond, Lannebo Corporate Bond, Lannebo High Yield, Lannebo Sustainable Corporate Bond, Lannebo Mixfond and Lannebo Komplett.

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Q&A postponement of pricing

On Friday March 20, a number of Swedish fund management companies, including Lannebo, resolved to postpone pricing in a number of corporate bond funds. Below you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions.

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Lannebo Småbolag picked as ”best of boutiques” by Spanish AM Orienta

The Spanish wealth manager Orienta Capital has launched a new fund that allocates to boutique managers. The firm picked Lannebo as one of Europe’s top boutiques.

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Lipper Fund Awards 2019

Lannebo receives new awards

Lannebo recently received three awards in the Nordic selection of the Lipper Fund Awards 2019. The awards are a fantastic confirmation that we do many things right and a clear acknowledgement of our investment strategy!

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Trade information: Half day April 18

Due to April 19 being a public holiday, April 18 is a half trading day and our funds therefore have 11:55 as cut-off time for trading. This does not apply to Lannebo Vision, which has its cut-off time at 15:55 as usual. Customer service and telephone exchange close at 13:00.

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Lannebo – Best Equity House Sweden 2019!

Every year Morningstar awards the industry’s best performing funds and fund companies. At this year's ceremony Lannebo received first prize in the category "Best Equity House Sweden".

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Lannebo Sverige Plus, Swedish Fund of the Year 2018!

Lannebo Sverige Plus was awarded Swedish Fund of the Year 2018 by Privata Affärer.

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Fund News! Lannebo Sverige Hållbar

All funds managed by Lannebo integrate sustainability as part of the investment process – whereas sustainability takes a decisive role in the new fund Lannebo Sverige Hållbar.

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10 year anniversary and the highest return!

Lannebo Sverige Plus reaches its ten years anniversary with the highest return of the Morningstar category Swedish Funds at 382 per cent! (benchmark index SIXPRX 274 per cent during the period December 11, 2008 – December 11, 2018)

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Trade information: Lannebo Vision closed on November 22

Lannebo Vision is closed due to Thanksgiving Day in the United States on November 22.

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Bank holiday June 22

The office is closed on June 22 due to Midsummer. Additionally, Lannebo's fixed income funds will close at 11.55 am on June 21, as the bond market closes at 12 pm.

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Lotta och Peter nyhetsbild

New fund! Lannebo Nordic Equities

The Nordic region is a significant investment area for many of Lannebo's funds. The region allows for diversification in sectors as well as geographies and currencies. We are now taking advantage of our experience and knowledge of macro analysis, fundamental company analysis and knowledge of the region - and launching a pure Nordic equity fund.

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båda loggorna

Award winning fund

Lannebo Europe Small Cap was awarded “Rookie Fund of the Year” by Privata Affärer and “Newcomer of the Year” by for its 2017 management results.

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Lannebo ranks highest by fund distributors

Lannebo Fonder receives the top ranking in Sweden by fund distributors in Kantar SIFO Prospera's annual survey.

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Lannebo awarded best boutique brand

The Mackay Williams Distribution Achievement Awards 2017 announced Lannebo as top boutique brand, i.e. the top brand among European groups with less than 20 mutual funds and less than €15bn of assets under management.

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”We value the Lannebo Fonder culture with its deep-rooted confidence in each manager to remain true to their disciplined investment process.”

Lannebo Europe SmallCap was launched exactly one year ago. The fund has since inception increased by 27 per cent and assets under management have reached 399 MEUR. The fund managers answer four short questions about their successes.

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Peter Lagerlöf ny nyhetsbild augusti

Macro comment: Peter Lagerlöf sums-up the first half of the year

"I think the first half of the year was defined by the low volatility. Share price movements were unusually small and changes in interest rates limited. Economic and political risks took a back seat to stronger global growth and rising corporate profits.”

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Fund manager interview: ”Right now, we pay special attention to valuations.”

Lannebo Europe Small Cap is still relatively new, but the fund has gained a lot of attention, particularly in recent months given the fund has placed at the top in the performance tables, and it is frequently added to fund experts' recommended portfolios. Read the interview where the fund managers share their thoughts on investing with a long-term horizon while carefully balancing risk.

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Fund manager comment: “So far the quarterly reports are encouraging”

Lannebo Europe Small Cap had a performance of 16.3 percent (EUR) year-to-date by the end of April. The excess return versus the benchmark is 4.2 percent-points year to date. “The reporting season started in the end of April. Most of the companies that we are screening and analyzing will report later in May, but so far the reports are encouraging”, say Carsten Dehn and Ulrik Ellesgaard.

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Fund information: Lannebo Pension becomes Lannebo Komplett

On April 7 the fund Lannebo Pension, which is a fund of funds, changes its name to Lannebo Komplett. Simultaneously the fund shifts status from being a special fund to a UCITS-fund which makes it available to more investors.

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Interview: meet the fund managers

Why is it particularly interesting to invest in European small caps and how do the managers choose the companies? Read this interview with the managers of Lannebo Europe Small Cap.

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Interview: ”Cyclical companies have outperformed lately”

The new fund Lannebo Europe Small Cap has been up and running for almost two months. What has happened in the portfolio and what is the fund managers’ view of the equity market? Read the interview with Carsten Dehn and Ulrik Ellesgaard.

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Update: three weeks into the new fund

Three weeks have passed since Lannebo Europe Small Cap was launched. The portfolio is fully invested and consists of 30 promising companies, mainly within industrials and financials.

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In media: best tech manager over three years

Citywire ranks Lannebo Vision the best performing tech fund globally over three years (66.7% USD)

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In media: Lannebo Europe Small Cap

"Lannebo Fonder believes the small-cap market is less efficient than the large-cap market, which allows for greater returns compared to the overall market", writes CityWire Selector in an article of the new fund Lannebo Europe Small Cap.

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New fund! Lannebo Europe Small Cap starts today

Lannebo Europe Small Cap is the equity fund that expands Lannebo Fonder's genuine active management further into Europe. Investments are made based on the fund managers' selection of small and medium-sized quality companies with the potential to create substantial long-term returns at an acceptable risk.

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TV: New fund! Meet the managers

Lannebo Europe Small cap will be launched on October 17. Listen to the new managers about how they choose companies to invest in, and why they believe in active asset management. Don’t forget to invest in the fund from its starting point.

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A brief introduction to Lannebo Fonder

Learn more about Lannebo Fonder from one of the founders and Chairman of the Board, Göran Espelund

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Bank holiday June 24

The office is closed due to Midsummer the 24th of June.

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New EUR share class of Lannebo Småbolag

2nd of May, 2016, Lannebo Fonder launched a EUR share class of Lannebo Småbolag in order to improve our product offering towards international clients

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Lannebo Fonder recruits two award winning fund managers from SEB and will start a new fund, Lannebo European Small Cap

Lannebo Fonder has recruited Carsten Dehn and Ulrik Ellesgaard, who most recently worked at SEB Investment Management in Denmark. Since 2006 they have very successfully managed SEB's European small cap funds and institutional mandates. On several occasions the funds have been awarded for the results delivered by Carsten and Ulrik, and the funds also have five star ratings in Morningstar over 3, 5 and 10 year time periods.

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Reduced performance fee in Lannebo Småbolag Select as of April 1, 2016

Lannebo Fonder decreases the performance fee in Lannebo Småbolag Select to make the fund even better for its unit holders

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Lannebo Fonder selected “The best fund managment company 2015”

Di & Morningstar shower Lannebo Fonder with awards including “The Best Fund Management Company 2015”.

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Our team

If you have any questions, just get in touch. All of us at Lannebo are passionate about savings and are happy to help you.

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Sustainability-related information

Below you will find general information about Lannebo's sustainability work linked to the funds and discretionary mandates. Fund-specific sustainability information can be found on each fund's page.

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