Latest news from Lannebo

Risk information

Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. The money you invest in a fund can both increase and decrease in value and it is not certain that you will get back the full amount invested.

New EUR share class of Lannebo Småbolag

2nd of May, 2016, Lannebo Fonder launched a EUR share class of Lannebo Småbolag in order to improve our product offering towards international clients

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Lannebo Fonder recruits two award winning fund managers from SEB and will start a new fund, Lannebo European Small Cap

Lannebo Fonder has recruited Carsten Dehn and Ulrik Ellesgaard, who most recently worked at SEB Investment Management in Denmark. Since 2006 they have very successfully managed SEB's European small cap funds and institutional mandates. On several occasions the funds have been awarded for the results delivered by Carsten and Ulrik, and the funds also have five star ratings in Morningstar over 3, 5 and 10 year time periods.

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Reduced performance fee in Lannebo Småbolag Select as of April 1, 2016

Lannebo Fonder decreases the performance fee in Lannebo Småbolag Select to make the fund even better for its unit holders

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Lannebo Fonder selected “The best fund managment company 2015”

Di & Morningstar shower Lannebo Fonder with awards including “The Best Fund Management Company 2015”.

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