The best possible execution within Lannebo Fonder AB
Fund companies, according to the Financial Supervisory Authority regulations, are obligated to strive for the best possible execution for the placement of orders with someone else on behalf of the funds. This refers to the fund company’s obligation to take all reasonable steps to obtain the best possible execution for the funds managed with regard to a number of factors, such as price, costs, speed, likelihood of execution and settlement, size and nature of, as well as others, for the execution of essential conditions. These factors should be related to a number of fund- and transaction-specific criteria, including the fund’s objectives, investment policy, risk profile and the nature of the transaction.
Lannebo Fonder AB (the “Fund Management Company”) has internal guidelines regarding how best execution will be achieved, and how the monitoring and evaluation of intermediaries should take place.
The fund management company has determined that the outcome of best execution normally be assessed with regard to price and likelihood of execution and settlement. Cost can also be taken into account.
On request, unit holders can obtain access to the Fund Management Company’s rules on Best Possible Execution.